Meet Boo Boo: The Owl Who Will Never Be Able To Fly

Meet Boo Boo: The Owl Who Will Never Be Able To Fly
Meet Boo Boo: The Owl Who Will Never Be Able To Fly
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This brave little owl was born with a serious growth disorder but she's a real fighter.

Meet Boo Boo, she's a baby eagle owl who lives at at Hendra Farm and Talons Owl Centre. Unfortunately, Boo Boo is unlike other owls because she will never be able to fly.

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Boo Boo was born with a very rare and serious growth disorder which means that her legs aren't strong enough to land on. However, her caretakers at the farm came up with a solution to allow her at least to be able to walk around. They've made special bandages and splints for her cute little legs. They hope that this, along with a special diet to boost bone growth will help her legs develop into a more correct position as she grows. Surgery will be a last resort as it carries big risks and is very expensive.

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Boo Boo also doesn't have any talons, which would make her incredibly vulnerable in the wild. This means she will live her whole life at the farm, where she'll be well looked-after in an environment specially designed for her unique needs. Despite all the hardships she has faced in her young life, Boo Boo is a really loving bird and makes the most of what she has.

Her owner, Senara Collings said, ‘Boo Boo is an amazing bird. She has coped so well with all the treatment, never biting or scratching, and is teaching herself to walk on her heavily bandaged legs, by supporting herself with her wings. She has to be carried when she goes to the vet as she is unable to balance herself in a carrier box – her reaction to this is to snuggle in and fall asleep’.

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Aww! We wish Boo Boo all the best for the future!

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