Is your cat secretly mad at you? Watch for this feline behaviour to find out

Is your cat secretly mad at you? Watch for this feline behaviour to find out
© Photo by Rudra Pratap barik on Unsplash
Is your cat secretly mad at you? Watch for this feline behaviour to find out
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Your cat might hold a grudge against you without you knowing it. Watch for these subtle changes in feline behaviour to see if you need to give them an extra treat to buy their forgiveness.

Your cat can sometimes express its anger by taking a swipe of a claw or a big hiss. But more often than that, enigmatic creatures don’t give away much of their feelings. You need to read their body language to learn why they hide all day long or give you a death stare. Watch out for these subtle signs to find out if your cat is secretly mad at you.

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Whipping Tail

Cat tail is the first body part to watch if you want to know their true intentions. Just like dogs, felines just can’t help it, and these majestic devices are big giveaways. If the top of your fluffy friend's tail starts to lash left and right intensively, you might be in trouble. Don’t try to reason with your pet just then, they might use their sharp claws for an answer.

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Your cat is in hiding

Photo by Vinicius de Moraes on Unsplash

Cats are great at finding hiding spots you didn’t know existed, sending you panic-check every place in the house and stand outside for a good hour calling their name. Pet felines often do that to sulk when they are mad at their owners. And they might not mean it this way, but it does look like a little revenge.

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Aeroplane Ears

If your cat’s ears are pinned back or to the side and flat, looking like mini-aeroplane wings, it may be a sign your furry diva is annoyed with youMeowingtons write. This ‘ear defence’ also helps buffer any upsetting sound that comes from the source of irritation, or you, in this case.

A kitty death stare

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Have you ever tried playing stare competition with your cat? If so, you might know that they always win. Felines are the kings and queens of stares.

In the animal world, prolonged eye contact is seen as an act of aggression and dominance. So if your cat is giving you ‘that stare’, along with lashing tail and aeroplane ears, you better take cover.

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Cold shoulder

If your cat is mad with you, they might start avoiding you and quickly leave the spaces once you enter them. This may look like what these independent loners are supposed to do, but it’s a wrong perception of pet felines. Happy cats are actually very social creatures who enjoy following their humans from room to room and sleeping close to them. So, if your kitty doesn’t enjoy your company, it might be sulking.

Why is my cat angry at me, and what to do about it?

Photo by Dmitry Ulitin on Unsplash
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According to Spraying Cats, your cat can be mad at you for many reasons. Maybe you stoppedgiving them enough attention, started using some kitty-unfriendly perfume, or told them off for table-surfing? In whatever scenario, you need to make amends.

Don’t chase your cat to pour all your love on them at once. Give them space and let them be open for your attention. Be approachable, offer playtime, and a treat, of course. Cats surely know how to hold a grudge, but they love their humans too.

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