His Eyes Had To Be Removed After An Illness, Then This Puppy Changed His Life

His Eyes Had To Be Removed After An Illness, Then This Puppy Changed His Life
His Eyes Had To Be Removed After An Illness, Then This Puppy Changed His Life
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Charlie is an 11 year old dog, who lost his sight following illness. To start with, he was struggling with his new life, but completely changed when his owners adopted a puppy called Maverick. Since then, the dogs have become best friends!

A few years ago, everything was going wrong for Charlie. This huge 11-year-old dog lives with his family in the state of North Carolina, in America, and he had to be operated on after developing glaucoma. This illness affects the eyes, losing them bit by bit. To prevent him from suffering even more, his eyes had to be removed.

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Charlie, now blind, had trouble adapting to his new life; but that was without taking into account the arrival of a new friend, who changed his live.

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Maverick, the miracle puppy

Charlie’s owners decided one day to adopt Maverick, an adorable puppy. His owners Chelsea Stipe and her husband thought that it would be beneficial for their dog to have a new companion.

And they weren’t wrong! Since then, Charlie and Maverick have become the best friends in the world. They play together, go for walks, and take naps glued to one another. Charlie has once again become a lot more playful and mischievous. His blindness doesn’t seem to affect him as much now that he’s enjoying Maverick’s friendship!

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This change completely delighted Charlie’s owners, who were moved to see their beloved dog living his life again. “Maverick knows that Charlie’s different. He puts toys just in front of him, follows him everywhere and when we go for walks, he helps him to walk straight!” stated Chelsea Stipe, who was interviewed by The Dodo. “It’s great to see. They’re quite a pair!”.

This is a superb story which shows how dogs can change lives. If you want to follow this beautiful friendship long-term, just follow the family’s Instagram account!

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