He was just seconds away from death but his heroic dog pulled him to safety

He was just seconds away from death but his heroic dog pulled him to safety
© Mark Brows/IAMS
He was just seconds away from death but his heroic dog pulled him to safety
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Dogs have been known to save us from drowning, protect us against burglaries and attacks and can even lead the blind. But, just like schnauzer Betzi Boo, dogs can pull us back from the brink of death.

Betzi's owner, Mark Brows shared that without his schnauzer he may not still be alive. The father of four recounted the story of when his heroic family dog saved him from being crushed by a falling tree, an action that could have saved his life.

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Brows and Betzi were off for walkies just like any regular day when what was supposed to be a nice walk through the neighbourhood turned into a complete disaster. The Yorkshire man recalled:

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I'd just got home from work and as usual, Betzi was very excited to see me. We set off on our evening walk down the street, and it was very calm, sunny evening with no wind or anything when I heard something in the tree.

Mark recalls not knowing exactly what was happening but suspected there was an animal in the tree and stopped to look up:

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I looked up expecting to see a squirrel or a cat and couldn't spot anything, but knew there had to be something as a tiny branch had fallen as well.

However, what he was really experiencing was a tree about to topple over. Luckily, Betzi knew just what was about to happen and jumped into action:

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Suddenly, I felt this strange shaking and Betzi, who is very strong, pulled me away to the side. Almost immediately, it sounded like firecrackers going off and this giant tree came smashing down on where I'd just been standing, destroying a nearby wall.

He continued:

People came running out of their houses, but I was frozen to the spot in shock as I realised I had been literally milliseconds from disaster if Betzi hadn't pulled me away.
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Mark Brows/IAMS

Brows' shared his story as part of dog food company IAMS' newest campaign that celebrates the individuality and specialness of each animal.

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Mark Brows/IAMS

But, this is not the first heroic stunt Betzi has pulled. Mark reveals that the fearless pup has also saved the whole family of four from an intruder:

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A gang attempted to crow bar our front door to look for car keys, only to find Betzi on the other side who sprung into full attack mode and chased them away.

Betzi's actions didn't deter the gang from robbing a house in the next village over but they did ensure that her family and their property remained unharmed:

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Our car was safe thanks to our brave pet, but it was very scary and traumatic for us as a family, and the police said the thieves still managed to get a BMW in the next village. Betzi is six stone and all muscle, so must have given the criminals quite the scare, but she always has a wonderful temperament with us and is an amazing family dog.

This definitely shows that we truly don't deserve dogs.

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