Great white shark attacks and tears man's kayak in half amid 'plague' numbers

Great white shark attacked and tore man's kayak in half
Great white shark attacked and tore man's kayak in half
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A man had a terrifying encounter this week on the Australian coast when a shark mistook their canoe for a snack before letting go.

Imagine yourself relaxing in your canoe, thinking happy thoughts and enjoying the moment in general when suddenly life comes crashing down. This is exactly what happened to a man in Australia when a huge mass came out of the water and grabbed his canoe. It's even more terrifying when it's a great white shark.

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A shark attacks a canoe

Australia is truly a unique country. As beautiful as it is terrifying, New South Wales is sure to give you a thrill. This is the case for this unsuspecting person, who almost died in a horrible way in his six-metre canoe.

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A shark attacked his canoe off the coast of Coffs Harbour and ripped off a huge chunk of it, leaving it adrift for a while before another boat rescued him. The Daily Mail reported the attack and said:

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The paddler was unhurt ... has since returned to the water in a loaner canoe. More fear than harm, especially when you see the state of the boat in the photos shared...

A great white shark was responsible

In the images, it appears that a large part of the canoe has been ripped off. The teeth marks left on the canoe left the concerned authorities shocked. They informed the victim that it was, indeed, a great white shark which was longer than three meters.

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This article was translated from Gentside FR.

Read more:

Life-saving shark attack: Man is grateful for 'message from Mother Nature'

Shark attack victim saved by teenage best friend in this heroic act

Man caught 'battling' shark on camera in the middle of a tourist beach (VIDEO)

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