Everything You Need To Know About German Shepherds

Everything You Need To Know About German Shepherds
Everything You Need To Know About German Shepherds
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People often associate German Shepherds with aggressive behaviour but that's completely wrong! Take a look at our photo gallery to discover all there is to know about this extremely intelligent dog.

Everything You Need To Know About German Shepherds

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If there is one thing to say about the German Shepherd, it is that it's an active and intelligent breed. But as with all dogs, you should learn a bit about the character of the German shepherd before adopting one. The German Shepherd is an extremely obedient dog when it has been well-trained. As puppies, they quickly become attached to family members large or small and do not like to be left alone. Robust animals, they can be the perfect companion for children of all ages if they have been well-trained.

German Shepherds need plenty of exercise and space to be outside. If you do not have a garden, forget the idea, unless you are willing to take long daily walks. They must be trained as puppies but it's important not to be too harsh with them. Take care when you have guests round because German Shepherds are very protective of their families.

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