High cholesterol: These visible clues on your skin signal risk of heart disease

High cholesterol: These visible clues on your skin signal risk of heart disease
© Getty/ lbodvar
High cholesterol: These visible clues on your skin signal risk of heart disease
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Even if you don’t ask your GP to check your cholesterol levels, your body has ways of letting you know if you’ve gone beyond the safe zone.

Although cholesterol has been given a bad rap in a diet-happy society, the human body needs some level of cholesterol to function properly. But, like almost everything enters the body, too much cholesterol can lead to various cardiovascular conditions. It is recommended to check your lipid levels regularly, but these changes in your skin may indicate a dangerously high cholesterol level.

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In your face

If, when looking in the mirror, you see a yellowish-orange growth on your face, your body may be trying to warn you of high levels of unhealthy cholesterol, according to Times Now. These yellowish growths may be covering deposits of cholesterol and typically appear in the corners of the eye, the back of your lower leg or lines in your palm. A medical doctor and dermatologist, Dr Daveluy said:

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In some people, it’s a sign that you have high cholesterol. But in about half of people, it’s not. Having the bumps, though, is a sign that you should have your cholesterol checked

Known medically as xanthelasma, these yellow bumps are not painful. But the American Academy of Ophthalmology these bumps do not go away by themselves may have to be removed for cosmetic purposes.

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They tend to stay the same size or grow larger. While they are generally harmless, you may want to remove them for cosmetic reasons
Getty/ makaule
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What you should do

If you see these bumps on your face or other parts of the body, you should see a doctor and have your cholesterol levels checked. If it is found that indeed, your lipid levels are higher than the safety threshold, there are some things you can do to reverse it and stay healthy.

For starters, you might want to consider cutting down on fatty foods, especially those that contain saturated fat, according to the NHS. You should also make some lifestyle changes by incorporating exercise or activities that involve movement in your daily routine.

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The British Heart Foundation (BHF) explains:

Getting your blood pumping by doing exercise will reduce your cholesterol. You don’t have to join a gym or go on long runs if you don’t enjoy it, just look for chances to move more every day

Read more:

High cholesterol: This common spice can help reduce cholesterol levels

Signs of high cholesterol can be seen in your toenails

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