Here Is A Foolproof Recipe For Making Delicious Crepes

Here Is A Foolproof Recipe For Making Delicious Crepes
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Here Is A Foolproof Recipe For Making Delicious Crepes
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Are you planning on making crepes? Here's a light and easy recipe that won't fail.

Looking for inspiration for a delicious Sunday brunch? Well look no further, crepes are a must! Easy to make, tasty and light, they are often a hit with anyone with a sweet tooth.

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However, as simple as they may seem, crepes can be tricky to make. The amount of ingredients is very important, as is the batter. These steps will allow you to make perfect crepes that hold together well when cooked.

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50 cl of milk

250 g flour

30 g butter

4 eggs

3 tablespoons of sugar

1 pinch of salt


Put the flour, salt and sugar in a bowl.

Make a hole in the middle of the mixture and add the eggs one by one, then the butter and finally the milk.

Mix it all and leave to rest for 1 hour in a cool place. You can also make the batter the day before.

If your batter is not smooth, you can use a hand blender at the end, the texture will be perfect.

In a very hot and buttered frying pan, place a ladle of crepe batter.

Cook on each side.

Repeat this process until the crepe batter is used up.

Keep your crepes in a plate covered with a cloth or reusable film, they will keep all their softness.

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