Easy hack to ripen an avocado at home in just 10 minutes

Easy hack to ripen an avocado at home in just 10 minutes
© Caterina Oltean / 500px
Easy hack to ripen an avocado at home in just 10 minutes
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As delicious as avocados are, ripeness is an important factor in how it tastes. Here is a trick to ripen an avocado at home easily in minutes.

Whether eaten in a salad, as a topping over bread or in a dip, avocados are an extremely versatile fruit. Not only that, avocados are also very nutritious and deemed, a superfood by nutritionists.

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While experienced home cooks might know how to pick the most ready-to-be-eaten avocados from the supermarket, there are those among us who have no idea how to do that. Also, some of us just like to buy our avocados in bulk. So even though buying unripe might be the only way to go, it raises the issues of dealing with under-ripe avocados.

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But with this easy hack reported by Express, ripening an avocado is a matter of minutes. The hack was originally shared by Youtuber DaveHax.

Avocados are also extremely nutritious and deemed, a superfood by nutritionists Jupiterimages
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10 minutes hack to ripen an avocado

DaveHax shares his life hacks and cooking tips on his Youtube channel, which has over 6 millions subscribers. He shared his avocado ripening hack in a video titled ‘Instantly Ripe Avocado - Life Hack.’

To instantly ripen avocados, all you need to do is:

  • Take an avocado and wrap it in tinfoil
  • Put the tinfoil wrapped avocado on an oven dish
  • Place the oven dish into a pre-heated oven at about 200°F or 93.3°C
  • Let it stay inside for 10 minutes and then take it out
  • Place the avocado on a cooling rack and let it cool down completely

Your avocado should be ripe and ready to be eaten all within 10 minutes.

The video with the avocado hack by DaveHax
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Why does this hack work?

According to DaveHax, warming up the avocado gently in the oven releases gas that surrounds it, which in turn, speeds up the ripening process.

He also advises that you might need to leave the avocado in the oven for longer if the fruit was very hard to begin with.

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Sources used:

Express: ‘How to ripen an avocado in just 10 minutes with simple trick - ‘perfect for eating’’

CNN: 'Benefits of avocados: 4 ways they are good for your health'

Read more:

Heart disease: Eating avocado twice a week reduces risk by 21%

Avocados: There is a downside to eating the fruit that you should know about

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