Tips To Take Care Of Your Grey Hair

Tips To Take Care Of Your Grey Hair
Tips To Take Care Of Your Grey Hair
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Could grey really be the latest hot hair trend? Ohmymag shares our top tips for caring for your silvery locks.

Tips To Take Care Of Your Grey Hair

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1. Hydration, hydration, hydration: Free from melanin, grey hair is often drier and more brittle. With one to two oil baths a week, the use of proper care and routine conditioners, you will deeply moisturise your hair and allow it to maintain suppleness.

2. Watch out for yellowing: With its more fragile nature, grey hair tends to turn yellow if not properly maintained. As it is more sensitive to external aggressions (heat exposure, pollution, oxidation ...), grey hair is more prone than other hair colours to absorb impurities. To neutralise the inevitable yellowish effect of grey hair, ask your hairdresser for a specialised treatment. At home, an exfoliating shampoo and a glossy conditioner will maintain your silver colour and give it strength and shine.

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3. Anti-aging products: Just as you moisturise and nourish your skin with specialised anti-aging products, you can also use anti-aging specific hair care to restore radiance to your grey hair. These treatments will compensate for the lack of melanin in your hair by providing active ingredients and proteins to tone and restructure the hair. These products can really bring back new life to tired hair!

4. Opt for temporary dyes: Embracing your grey hair does not necessarily mean a total end to colouring your hair. But rather than aiming for permanent, more aggressive hair dyes, why not choose a temporary colour to add depth to your grey. From white to silver to steel, you're sure to find the shade that best suits your needs. This temporary treatment allows you to find a perfect colour and its less aggressive to your hair than permanent dyes.

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