This High-Tech Mirror Will Show You More About Yourself Than You've Ever Seen
A mirror will be able to give you all sorts of information about your body and the way it changes. This new connected device is at the forefront of innovation.
‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?’ has now become a question that a new mirror can answer. In reality, it will not be used to compare you to others, but to compare you to an old version of yourself.
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You will be able to know if you had this pimple on the right cheek two days ago, or if you have gained some weight. 9 students from Bordeaux came up with the idea of a connected mirror and created a start-up, UReflect, to develop the project.
More under this adMore under this adKevin Empociello, one of the founders, explains the differences between their creation and the other connected mirrors: ‘They have five features, whereas what we propose is a complete operating system with a store connected to your phone. Beyond any information pertaining to beauty, it can, for example, give you other data that could be accessible in a tactile way: the weather, the time, the calendar or even YouTube.’
From January 8 to 11, they will present their project at CES in Las Vegas.