Plastic Earbuds Will Be Permanently Banned For Sale

Plastic Earbuds Will Be Permanently Banned For Sale
Plastic Earbuds Will Be Permanently Banned For Sale
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From 2020, cotton earbuds will be permanently banned for sale because of laws relating to biodiversity. Even though they might be practical, these objects are extremely harmful to the environment and are among the most common waste found in oceans and rivers. Here are several equally effective alternatives for cleaning your ears.

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‘Many people throw cotton earbuds down the toilet rather than putting them in the bin’ explained, Antidia Citores, spokesperson of the Surfrider Foundation Europe.

1. Time for change: By 2020, cotton earbuds will be permanently removed from the shelves so whether you like it or not, you’ll need to find an alternative. One alternative could be to use biodegradable and compostable earbuds. However be very careful not to push them deeper than one centimetre, as you risk pushing wax further towards the eardrum.

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2. Just stay clean: Reusable earbuds are also available as well as sprays and saline solutions. You could also just wash them regularly with soap and water. This avoids inserting any instrument or tool into the ear which can be quite dangerous if you’re not paying enough attention. In any case, it’s important to keep your ears clean on a daily basis because of how sensitive they are.

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