Beauty hack: rice water could be the haircare tip you've been missing out on

Beauty hack: rice water could be the haircare tip you've been missing out on
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Beauty hack: rice water could be the haircare tip you've been missing out on
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Think twice before throwing away the water you used to cook your rice in as it could be the key to having luscious and healthy hair!

What if the ingredients in your kitchen cupboards became the best allies in your hair routine? Olive oil, eggs and honey have already been adopted by beauty addicts who use them in their treatments. Now make way for this summer's star ingredient: rice. Whether used as a rinse or as a treatment, rice water will become your new favourite for strong, shiny hair. A routine to try as soon as possible!

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Shine and strength: the secrets of rice water

An ancestral technique from the Asian continent, women used it to take care of their hair. Rice water is a real detox treatment for your dull and sensitive hair. Rich in starch, zinc, magnesium and vitamins, rice water will bring strength and hydration to your hair.

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Economical and effective, this technique has already seduced internet users and beauty addicts. From curly, frizzy or straight hair, rice water will adapt to all hair types. For curly hair, it will redefine your curls and reduce frizz. For fine hair, thickness and softness guaranteed. It is even said to accelerate hair growth.

Before using this ancestral technique, you must first assess the damage! If your hair has suffered too much, a trip to the hairdresser is necessary to cut your damaged ends. Remember, hair can't be repaired, so you might as well start with a healthy base for even more beautiful hair.

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Once your mane is ready, head to your kitchen to prepare your treatment. Rice water can be prepared in two different ways. In an airtight jar, pour the contents of a handful of rice, preferably organic, with water and let it ferment for 2 days. Then filter and collect the rice water which will become your rinse water. For those in a hurry, opt for the 2 in 1 option! After cooking your rice, do not empty the water into your sink! This water will be used for your future hair care.

The technique

Once you have the rice water, head to the bathroom to perform your hair care routine. On clean hair, preferably washed with a mild shampoo, finish your wash by using the rice water as a rinse. For deep conditioning on hard to detangle hair, apply your rice water with a little detangler to damp hair. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and gently detangle your hair with a comb, then rinse the treatment with cold water.

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The little extra? Finish your routine by rinsing your hair with organic cider vinegar! This technique will calm the itching of your scalp and bring shine to your hair.

Once you've completed these steps, wring out and let your hair air dry. It will be shiny, strong and beautiful when dry. A ritual to be repeated every time you wash your hair for 3 weeks, and to be repeated when your hair wants more!

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