Women wakes up with ‘holes in her eye’ after a windsurfing accident

Woman wakes up with holes in her eyes after windsurfing accident
Woman wakes up with holes in her eyes after windsurfing accident
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This woman was holidaying in Greece when she had a minor surfing accident, little did she know that this would result in almost losing her vision.

Holidays are the best ways to decompress after long weeks at work. Some vacationers like to relax and chill while others love to do activities that stimulate their adrenaline rush urges. Although not a bad way to spend your holidays, it might not give a guaranteed risk-free vacation. For instance, this woman was enjoying her time in Greece when a seemingly minor accident changed her life.

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Holiday turned hell

Sight is one of the most important senses in our body, which when lost can make us disabled for life. 63-year-old Nicky Shipp was holidaying in Greece, having the time of her life. While she was windsurfing, she got knocked off of her board and slammed headfirst into the water. What she didn’t know was that the accident had caused her a heavy injury.

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Nicky woke up with antagonizing pain in her right eye Dean Mitchell GETTY_IMAGES

As per Mirror, a week later Nicky woke up with agonizing pain in her right eyewhich had ‘two brown floaters’. She explained:

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The mast landed on my head with a bad bang. A week later, I noticed star dust in my eyes. The next day, I woke up and I had flashing lights

Holes in her eye

After returning to the UK she immediately booked an appointment with an optician. As the doctor looked her over, he revealed that the damage from her fall had caused holes in the back of her retina, according to the Daily Record. After multiple scans and diagnoses, Nicky opted to have an operation to fix her eyes. Unfortunately, she soon developed cataracts in her eye, due to which she couldn’t go through with the surgery.

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Following this unlucky news, Nicky decided to move on without the surgery and left her eye as it is. However, an incident in 2021 shook her to the core. As she was driving back home in the evening, Nicky almost couldn't distinguish where she was driving:

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I decided to go on the back roads to avoid the traffic but soon realised that I couldn’t differentiate between the tarmac and the grass at the side of the road.

Soon after this frightening incident, Nicky rushed to the Manchester Hospital and got her cataracts removed and is well on her way to recovery.

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Sources used:

- Daily Record: 'Accident leaves woman with two holes in her eye after nightmare holiday'

- Mirror: 'Woman left with 'holes in eyes' after Greek holiday windsurfing disaster'

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