Woman Pregnant With Triplets Only Delivers Two Babies

Woman Pregnant With Triplets Only Delivers Two Babies
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Woman Pregnant With Triplets Only Delivers Two Babies
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Kirsty Alexander was told at just 18 weeks that one of her triplets had passed away.

If you have a sensitive heart, stop reading now. Miscarriage is one of the hardest events to go through as a pregnant woman. But, what if you need to keep your lifeless unborn child in order to save his two siblings? This is the heartbreaking story of Kirsty Alexander, 33, and her husband John, 39.

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Kirsty and her husband are the happy parents of Bonnie, their first child born in July 2017. Their second pregnancy came as a blessed event a year later in July 2018. Kirsty and John found out after seven weeks of pregnancy that she was carrying not one, but three babies. Kirsty explained about finding out she was expecting triplets:

I immediately laughed and cried simultaneously, and my hands were shaking, The nurse in the room had to get me some water because I became so faint. I loved each of the babies from the minute we found out we were expecting triplets. I'd imagined what they looked like, what their personalities might be like and most of all I'd imagined holding them all safely in my arms.
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Sadly, at 18 weeks, a scan revealed that one of the babies wasn't developing properly, and tragically passed away not long after that.

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Kirsty explained:

At the scan they mentioned some concerns around the development of Dotty and the fluid around her brain. They said we'd need to see a consultant to look in more detail.
We had a follow up scan at the hospital, and it was at that point that we knew we'd lost her. We were completely devastated and heartbroken.
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She endured half of her pregnancy knowing that one of her triplets would be tragically born stillborn.

After the birth, Kirsty became desperately worried that something would happen to her other two babies in the throes of her grief.

The first few weeks were awful I felt like I couldn't leave the house because my anxiety spiralled and I was so terrified of something else happening to one of our survivors,
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After their terrible loss, the couple survived the grief and feel blessed that their two other babies had survived and are well, they appreciate every second they get as a family:

I hold them even tighter and love them even more unconditionally than I even thought possible since losing Dotty.
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This terrible story will break your heart

Kirsty Alexander and John were overly joyed when they found out they will give their daughter three extra siblings

unfortunately, halfway through the pregnancy, they found out one of the babies will be born stillborn

At the scan they mentioned some concerns around the development of Dotty and the fluid around her brain. They said we'd need to see a consultant to look in more detail.

the two other babies were born well and healthy

The first few weeks were awful I felt like I couldn't leave the house because my anxiety spiralled and I was so terrified of something else happening to one of our survivors,
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poor family

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