This Mother's Feet Grew Three Sizes In Three Years Because Of This Rare Condition

This Mother's Feet Grew Three Sizes In Three Years Because Of This Rare Condition
This Mother's Feet Grew Three Sizes In Three Years Because Of This Rare Condition
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Anne-Sophie Pigré has a rare disease, acromegaly. She decided to testify about what it's like to live with such an ailment in her book "What if I suffered from acromegaly?" In it, she goes back on her journey to fight the disease and the doubts it has triggered since its appearance.

Acromegaly is a rare disease that affects one in 20,000 people. Anne-Sophie Pigré is affected by it and decided to share her feelings and experience in her book "What if I suffered from acromegaly?" In it, we discover that people who suffer from acromegaly do not feel intense pain.

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Acromegaly patients have an overflow of growth hormones released by the brain because a small tumor has lodged onto the pituitary, a gland located behind the eyes. Extreme fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, discomfort, headaches during the day and sleep apnea... These are the symptoms that alerted Anne-Sophie Pigré, a resident of Frossay in Loire-Atlantique, France.

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The bones grow unusually and this is visible in parts of Anne-Sophie's body, such as her nose, feet and hands. She said: "My feet grew three sizes in three years. I went from a size 38 to a 41!"

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