This 'Human Barbie' comes from a whole family of dolls

This 'Human Barbie' Comes From a Whole Family of Dolls
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This 'Human Barbie' Comes From a Whole Family of Dolls
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The 'Human Barbie' aka Valeria Lukyanova isn't the only one in her family that looks like a doll. As it turns out, her friends all look like barbies also...

Valeria Lukyanova, a model who is also known as the 'Human Barbie,' has famously attributed her looks to good genes. While we all know she has definitely dabbled in plastic surgery, her claim still stands true as it turns out a few members of Lukyanova's family have looks that even Barbie would be jealous of.

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Valeria Lukyanova famously references her mother when it came to her waist, stating that both she and her mother have the slimmest waists. The 'Human Barbie' has claimed countless times that she hasn't resorted to plastic surgery to get her figure. She says she owes it all to being a breatharian–living without consuming food. She once stated in an interview:

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Don't believe any stories about me having rib-removing surgeries—they aren't true. The only surgery I had was the breast surgery. My mother's waist is as narrow as mine—I inherited that from her.

But it turns out a waist is not the only Barbie-like aspect of Valeria's mother as she also has the face of a doll herself.

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Valeria's mother Valeria Lukyanova/Facebook

Even without the heavy makeup Irina Lukyanova still has the eyes and nose that highlight Valeria's look.

Valeria Lukyanova/Facebook
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At one point Valeria's sister was also inspired by the Barbie beauty and experimented following the same path as her sister. Valeria once posted to her Facebook and incredible image of the three women together. The uncanny resemble to barbie dolls is even more noticeable when the three are posing all together!

Valeria Lukyanova/Facebook
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The Barbie life didn't end up sticking for sister Olga. Now, she is sporting a much more natural, but somehow still flawless look.

Valeria Lukyanova/Facebook
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Check out the video above to see more of the human Barbie!

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