She went through an incredible transformation but other mums won't stop criticising her
Her transformation is absolutely unbelievable.
34-year-old Bella Vrondos is a busy mother-of-three from Sydney, Australia. Today, she's a tiny size 6 and works part-time as aglamour model, as well as running her own beauty boutique business.
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But things haven't always been this way for Bella. She used to dress constantly in 'baggy dresses' to hide her size 18 frame. Looking after three young children, she didn't have much time for herself and found herself living on a dietof meat pies, McDonald's burgers and sugary fizzy drinks.
More under this adMore under this adInspired by Instagram models to make a change, she began visiting the gym in secret - at midnight because she was too embarrassed to be seenexercising. After a year of night-time workouts, she had finally built up the courage to join cardio classes and started to lose some serious weight.
She also changed her diet - cutting out sugars and unhealthy carbs and instead opting for healthier choices, such as salmon on wholemeal toast or fish with green beans and rice. Bella says:
More under this adMore under this adOnce I lost the weight I had a new outlook on life, I was still the same person but happier and I had a lot more knowledge about health.
Snide comments
However, not everyone has been supportive of Bella's transformation. She says that she often receives stares and snide comments from other mums, who accuse her of putting her looks before her children. She also claims she has been ostracised by other mums at her kids' school since getting a boob job, saying:
More under this adMore under this adI’m not included in any of the mum’s groups or cliques... One of the first birthday parties I took my daughters to, all the mothers were sitting together and eating lunch and I was there to fend for myself.
After posting a picture with her kids at a school event, Bella went viral as Internet-users branded her low-cut dress 'inappropriate'. However, Bella has no time for such criticisms, saying:
My kids love me for me and don’t want me to change.More under this adMore under this ad
We think Bella looks fabulous - and she has every right to show off the results of her hard work!