Doctors find 3cm long needle in woman's brain, lodged for 80 years

Doctors find an inch-long needle in woman's brain, lodged for 80 years
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Doctors find an inch-long needle in woman's brain, lodged for 80 years
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Doctors in Russia made a staggering discovery inside a woman's brain, and the reason for it is quite tragic.

Unfortunately, instances of doctors finding some unusual objects inside patients are not as uncommon as one might hope. Medical professionals have revealed horrifying causes of seemingly regular situations such as recurrent headaches or a patient going into surgery after having fever. These have turned out to be the result of some shocking foreign bodies being present inside the patient.

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As reported by Insider, doctors have found an inch-long needle lodged inside the brain of a woman. Even more shockingly, she lived with the needle in her brain for 80 years!

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Here's how the needle most probably got there.

Doctors discover a needle inside woman's brain

The case unfolded in Russia, where the Ministry of Health in Sakhalin informed the public about it. The information shared on Telegram stated that the foreign body was discovered inside the woman's brain only this year during a computed tomography scan.

The patient has lived with the needled in her brain for 80 years William Olivieri
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The woman did not suspect anything was wrong with her brain, and in fact, did not even suffer from headaches, which might be expected under the circumstances.

She was found to be in good health, without any danger to her health. Hence, no surgical intervention was performed by the doctors because it might just worsen her situation.

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It might have been due to a failed infanticide

The doctors found the needle in the woman's left parietal lobe. They have theorised that it could have been the result of a failed infanticide, when she was a little baby.

During the years when Russia was experiencing famine, it was not uncommon for parents to do away with their little babies, unable to take care of them.

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One of the common methods in these tragic cases was, to insert a needle into the baby’s fontanel, which damaged the brain and caused the baby to die, without leaving any evidence of the crime.

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Sources used:

Insider: 'A Russian woman lived with an inch-long needle in her brain for 80 years, likely because her parents tried to kill her as an infant, doctors say'

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Telegram: Минздрав Сахалинской области

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