Doctors couldn't believe what they found in this woman's nose after she complained of painful headaches

doctors shocked believe woman nose weird
doctors shocked believe woman nose weird
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In China, a woman suffering from chronic rhinitis went to the hospital. Examinations showed that an object had been stuck in her nostril for decades.

For several years, a woman known as 'Zhao' had been having difficulty breathing and had a runny nose on a regular basis. In 2014, she went to the hospital for a battery of tests and treatment. Analyses revealed that the cause of her illness was completely unnatural.

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Never-ending rhinitis

Zhao had come to live with the symptoms of rhinitis (blocked nose, runny nose, etc.). But about ten years before she went to hospital, her symptoms worsened. She testifies:

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I've always had pus in my nose, but for the last 10 years I've had breathing difficulties and headaches, which cause me a lot of pain.

When she arrived at the hospital, the doctors scanned her. It was then that a metallic object appeared. Upon seeing it, Zhao recalled an event that had taken place 48 years earlier, which could explain its presence.

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It had been lodged in his nostril for decades.

The object in question? A bullet from a firearm! According to Zhao, she reported having been shot in the late 1960s. She remembers:

"It was 1967, I was 14. I was walking along the path and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right temple. I thought I'd been hit by a rock and there was blood."
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Miraculously, she survived the impact. When she returned home, her relatives simply cleaned the wound and bandaged it. It took Zhao 48 years to understand the origin of her chronic suffering, and to discover that she was extremely lucky not to have died instantly from that literally stray bullet.

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This article has been translated from Gentside FR.

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