Abandoned puppy left tied to fire hydrant for a week, here's what happened to her

Abandoned puppy tied to fire hydrant for a whole week
© Westend61 / GETTYIMAGES
Abandoned puppy tied to fire hydrant for a whole week
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This pup waited in the exact spot where her owners had left her.

It is coming up to Christmas, and everyone is thinking about the cold weather, the warm festive food and the best presents. Many dream of getting a dog, a pet who can accompany them through their life and offer unconditional love. This story shows that not everyone appreciates a dog once they have one.

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In a Southern California community, a dog was recently spotted waiting for its owners. The dog clearly expected someone to come and collect her but tragically waited a whole week and no one came. Here’s the tragic story of what happened to her and where she is now.

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What happened to the puppy

Suzette Hall is the founder of Logan’s Legacy dog rescue, so it’s not hard to imagine how heartbroken she was when she heard this story. Someone who had noticed the pup and was concerned contacted Hall. The little dog was tied to a fire hydrant and had remained there, knotted in a tightly curled ball, for a whole week. Her previous owners had left her some water and dog food in a takeout container but, according to the person who called Hall, the pup hadn’t touched either.

Though Hall was upset by the news, she was not surprised as she had recently saved a handful of dogs from the very same street. As she was too far to get there quickly herself, she rang a woman she knows in the area who went to collect the 8-month-old dog:

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She was just twisting and twisting around that hydrant with her leash. The poor dog was all tied up.

Keeping Hall on the phone for advice, the woman approached the abandoned animal who growled as she drew near. However, she eventually gained the pup’s trust and managed to unravel the leash and scoop her up in a soft blanket.

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Where is the pup now?

The woman softly took the traumatised dog, now named Cici, to the vet. On the way, she said the effects of this awful experience started to show:

She got so sick in the car. We think it was from fear and lack of food and water since she was too scared to eat the food they’d left.
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Thankfully, Ceci got to the vet’s on time and after plenty of fluids and some love and affection, she started to get her strength back. She was a massive fan of the pet hospital’s manager Hedy:

Whenever Hedy walks by her, Cici starts wiggling her tail. She gets so excited because she knows it’s Hedy.
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Ceci has stayed at the hospital, regaining trust in humans and getting stronger every day. She was recently given the all-clear for foster care so will be leaving the clinic soon to meet her temporary family and start a whole new chapter!

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Sources used:

Express: Heartbroken dog waits for owners to return for days after being abandoned at fire hydrant

The dodo: Puppy Left Tied To Fire Hydrant Was Too Sad To Even Lift Her Head

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