Watch As Squirrel Gets Drunk From Eating Too Many Fermented Apples

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Can you imagine what would happen if a squirrel drunk a bit too much and couldn’t move? After watching this video, you’ll definitely be able to!

We couldn't resist sharing this hilarious video of a squirrel who's had a few too many!

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In the middle of winter, a family noticed something strangegoing down in their snow-covered garden. A little squirrel that seemed to be finding it very difficult to move - and for good reason! The poor little rodent was completely drunk!

Squirrel in the winter. Getty Images
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To survive the terrible winter, the animal had eaten lots (and lots) of apples from a crab-apple tree, but it seems he'd had too many. When fruit ferments, it produces a little bit of alcohol.

This is nothing serious for us big humans but imagine the damage it could cause for a squirrel that only weighs a few grams!

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So here is this amazing video - be warned, it's very funny!

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