Remarkably preserved 2000-year-old Roman temple discovered in Netherlands

Researchers discover a 2000-year-old Roman temple in Netherlands
Researchers discover a 2000-year-old Roman temple in Netherlands
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Archaeologists discovered a 2000-year-old Roman temple in Netherlands in very well-preserved condition.

Archaeologists unearthed a very well-preserved Roman temple in the Netherlands recently. The temple was discovered in very good condition, considering it is suspected to be 2000-year-old. It is one of the most complex sites to be discovered. Among the things discovered, were temples, a stone wall and a fire pit with evidence of sacrifices.

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A historic site

As per DailyMail, the temple was used by the Roman soldiers to worship their gods and goddesses. Apart from the site, there were many artefacts discovered as well. The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands said on June 20th:

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This is a highly unusual find in the Netherlands, but also internationally… The site must have been in use for centuries and such a long period of use is exceptional.
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The site was discovered by researchers of RAAP Archaeological Consultancy, along with the ruins of another temple in Gelderland. The artefacts recovered included ruins of deity statues, reliefs and ‘votive stones’ that were used for worshipping gods.

Worship artefacts uncovered

Among the artefacts uncovered, one of the most interesting ones was the ‘votive stones’. According to Express, the stones were used to construct a small altar, which would be then placed in the temple by ‘high ranking Roman soldiers to thank the gods for fulfilling their wishes

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The researchers on the excavation site also unearthed different varieties of military weapons and apparel like ruins of body armours, lance points, spears and even horse harnesses. Several findings of this excavation will be displayed this summer at the Valkhof Museum in Nijmegen in Gelderland.

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