Men think about the Roman Empire a lot, here's why

If you don’t think about the Roman Empire often, you might after reading this…
© Gladiator / DreamWorks Pictures
If you don’t think about the Roman Empire often, you might after reading this…
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From consuming blood to collecting urine, here are some crazy things people did during the Roman Empire.

A new trend has emerged on social media where women ask the men in their lives how often they think about the Roman Empire. The answer is often ‘a lot’ and their reasoning is not that surprising when you start to look into it!

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The Roman Empire, one of the greatest civilizations in history, stretched over three continents and lasted for centuries. At the heart of its power was Julius Caesar, who was a very powerful leader until he was assassinated. During this period of history masculinity was celebrated and people did some very bizarre things. Let’s dive into it.

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Blood and urine

Romans drank gladiator blood as medicine. Physicians believed it would help with various health issues, including epilepsy and infertility.

The Romans also used public toilets to their full potential: not only did they use them to, well, go to the toilet, they also used them as social hangouts.

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The urine was collected and, thanks to its ammonia content, used for a whole range of handy tricks including tanning leather and cleaning clothes.


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Interesting eating and hygiene habits

The Romans were known for their gluttony. During massive feasts, they would eat until they were uncomfortably full, and then make themselves sick just so they could indulge in yet more delicious food.

Despite how grim a picture that paints, Romans were actually very hygienic people. However, they didn’t use soap. They would use perfumed oil on their skin and once it was soft they would go in hard for the exfoliation: they scraped the dead skin from their bodies with a tool called a strigil.

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Beauty treatments

The Roman women would also dye their hair. How, we hear you ask? Well, with what they had at their disposal: goat fat, beechwood ash, henna, saffron and walnuts. They could go darker, redhead, or blonde with these techniques using natural substances - something that is increasingly desirable today!

According to some sources, prostitutes in the Roman Empire were required by law to have blonde hair to signal their profession. They could wear wigs or dye their natural hair. Perhaps that is where the negative stereotypes around blondes began!

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So there you have it; the Romans were a bizarre bunch. We understand why all these men are confessing that they think about them often.

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Sources used:

Buzzfeed: 15 Truly Bizarre Facts About Ancient Rome

Ancient Origins: 10 Shocking Facts about the Ancient Romans

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