Ecosexual: How your sexuality could save the Earth

Ecosexualism: Some Are Taking Their Love for the Planet to a New Level
© Unsplash/@noahbuscher
Ecosexualism: Some Are Taking Their Love for the Planet to a New Level
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With the ongoing threat of global warming, ecosexuals want you to reconsider your relationship with Mother, sorry, Lover Nature.

Ecosexualism is on the rise. But while the movement prompts people to treat nature as you would a lover, some are confused as to what that really means.

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What does it mean to be ecosexual?

Ecosexuality, originating from a community in Melbourne Australia, involves the belief that humans can and should participate in both non-sexual and sexual relationships with nature in order to save the planet.

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With nature’s supplies being steadily ruined by global warming, pollution and other human practises, ecosexuals want you to reconsider your relationship with Mother Nature and think of the Earth as you would a loverinstead of a resource to exploit. Annie Sprinkle, one of the many ecosexual pioneers once spoke to The Independent stating:

You might give your mother a hard time and she’ll put up with it, but with a lover it’s a question of give and take and, ecosexuals believe, that’s just what the planet needs right now.
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What ways do people express ecosexuality?

Just like many other forms of sexuality, ecosexualisim exists on a spectrum and how each individual expresses their love for Mother Nature can be completely unique. According to their manifesto, ecosexuality can be interpreted in a variety of ways and even acts as a primary sexual identity for some:

For some of us being ecosexual is our primary (sexual) identity, whereas for others it is not. Ecosexuals can be GBTQI, heterosexual, asexual, and/or other. We invite and encourage ecosexuals to come out. We are everywhere. We are polymorphouse and pollen-amourous.
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The expression of ecosexuality can also be rather individual and ranges from ditching single-use birth control to literally ‘getting it on’ with the environment. However, there does seem to be a few general practises and guidelines. So let’s take a look at some of the most common acts of ecosexuality.

1. Having sex with the Earth

Despite sounding very dirty, ‘having sex with the Earth’ seems much more like a spiritual experience. The Ecosex Manifesto states:

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We shamelessly hug trees, massage the earth with our feet, and talk erotically to plants. We are skinny dippers, sun worshippers, and stargazers. We caress rocks, are pleasured by waterfalls, and admire the Earth’s curves. We make love with the Earth through our senses. We celebrate our E-spots. We are very dirty.

Although, some really do interpret this literally through nature fetishes. The same community that helped bring ecosexuality to the forefront also founded the ecosex bathhouse, Pony Express, which features a composting glory hole, 3D nature porn as well as an hourly bee swarm known as the Honey Tsunami.

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2. Fighting climate change

By viewing Nature as a lover, ecosexuals believe that they should battle climate change in order to protect and preserve the environment. While some feel that actions such as tree-hugging and ‘earth intercourse’ can help to battle the stresses of industrialisation on the Earth, others believe that reducing their carbon footprints is a better place to start.

3. Long term relationships with nature

Ecosexuality doesn’t just involve viewing nature as a lover or having sex with the earth but people can also marry parts of nature such as the sun, the moon or even the seas. Annie Sprinkle even got married to the dirt in a ‘Marry the Soil’ ceremony back in 2014.

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4. Finger condoms for flower sex

While it makes sense that sex with nature wouldn’t really warrant concerns of birth control, however, it seems that protection is still very important. During ‘flower sex’ participants often wear tiny condoms for their fingers as well as surgical masks covered in grass so they don’t accidentally interfere with the pollination process.

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