Can Mars support life? This surprising discovery might change your mind

Mars might ‘potentially support life’ after proof of water body is found
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Mars might ‘potentially support life’ after proof of water body is found
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A discovery on Mars has led researchers to believe that the planet might be a supporter of life after all.

The fourth planet in our solar system, Mars had been the subject of many controversies over time. Whether it’s the suspicions of extraterrestrial life or the possibility of a future home for humans, it’s one of the most talked about planets among humans. Recently scientists have discovered some evidence that life might have been possible after all.

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‘Potential for life’

The possibility of life on Mars has always been a controversial topic. New discoveries are made every once in a while that help scientists understand the planet. Recently, the topography released of the planets suggests that ‘erosion has not significantly reshaped the Martian surface over the last 3.5 billion years’.

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Previously a study was published by British researchers that talked about the proof of ‘liquid water’ on Mars. However, the recent study shares that scientists were able to find ‘definitive evidence’ of a water bank which had a significant accumulation of sedimentation. Thissuggests that a water body was at play as the shoreline was around 900m thick and spread out for over 2500 km.

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Life on Mars

According to Benjamin Cardenas, an assistant professor in the geosciences department at Pennsylvania State University and the study's lead author, this discovery could help scientists identify the history of climate conditions and its evolution throughout the years. For example, on Earth, we chart the history of waterways by looking at sediment that is deposited over time.

As per Sky News, he said:

Based on these findings, we know there had to have been a period when it was warm enough and the atmosphere was thick enough to support this much liquid water at one time.
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Sources used:

-Sky News: Evidence of ancient ocean on Mars raises the 'potential for life', say researchers

- Metro: 'Traces of an ancient ocean discovered on Mars, raising hopes for alien life'

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