Archeologists discover treasure in Spain containing extraterrestrial metal (PHOTO)

archeologists discover treasure Spain alien metal extraterrestrial science
© Chinnachart Martmoh / Getty Images
archeologists discover treasure Spain alien metal extraterrestrial science
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60 years ago, a Bronze Age treasure trove was discovered in Spain. Analysis revealed that some parts had been made from metal from elsewhere.

A few leagues from the town of Villena, in south-eastern Spain, archaeologist María Soler García has stumbled across a fine haul. In all, some sixty objects dating back 3,000 years were discovered. They include buttons, bracelets and flasks made from various metals. And according to recent analyses, some of these artefacts had a little secret.

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Metal from a meteorite

The story is worthy of a Marvel movie featuring aquatic people, or an anime where the heroine is a blue-eyed samurai... The Villena treasure was already a great scientific discovery in its own right, not least because of its age. Today, the treasure rests in peace in a local museum. But ever since its discovery, certain objects that make up the treasure have intrigued by their appearance. This has prompted scientists to analyze their composition. And according to Arkeonews :

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Two of the iron objects were made from iron that fell to Earth from a meteorite a few million years ago. The objects, a hollowsphere covered with gold leaf and a C-shaped bracelet, were symbols of a link between the terrestrial and celestial realms, as well as being exquisite examples of prehistoric craftsmanship.

Other objects made from extraterrestrial iron

It's not the first time that archaeologists have discovered objects made from such metal. In a previous article, we told you about this meteoritic iron arrowhead... Or the extraterrestrial origin of Tutankhamun's dagger!

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This article has been translated from Gentside FR.

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Sources used:

Arkeonews: 3,000-year-old Treasure on the Iberian Peninsula made with material from a meteorite

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