British 'Prophet of Doom’ reveals worrying predictions for 2024

British 'Prophet of Doom’ says we’ll have another pandemic, this is where it will start
British 'Prophet of Doom’ says we’ll have another pandemic, this is where it will start
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Craig Hamilton-Parker has made some pretty gloomy predictions for the next 12 months.

As we settle into the new year, many of us are already looking ahead and wondering what the next 12 months will have in store for us. One man from England, known as the ‘Prophet of Doom’ has shared what he envisages happening this year, and unfortunately there's quite a lot of bad news.

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But why should we listen to Craig Hamilton-Parker? Well, he says he has correctly predicted several major events in the past that ended up coming true. These include the pandemic, Trump becoming President and Queen Elizabeth’s death. Maybe it’s worth listening to what he foresees in 2024...

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A Russia-China alliance

Hamilton-Parker released his predictions in a recent Youtube video. According to his visions, we can expect closer ties between Russia and China:

Back in 2015, I started to say that I saw that Russia and China would form an alliance, and this is beginning to happen.
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So one of my first predictions is about this Russian and China alliance, which I think is very important at the moment.

Hamilton-Parker reckons the Ukraine war will push the countries to work closer and closer together towards their respective goals.

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Another pandemic on the horizon

In 2017, Hamilton-Parker said he foresaw a global flu pandemic - and in three years, that’s exactly what happened. Now he is saying he sees a similar, but smaller, pandemic arising from Australia:

Not in 2024, but in the future I see another pandemic rising, out of Australia, a bacterial infection of some sort.
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Thankfully, he says ‘the world will beat it, and it won’t be as big as COVID’.

Advances in medicine

Let’s take a look at Hamilton-Parker’s more positive predictions for the future. He believes that 2024 will bring a cure for cancer to humanity - something that Baba Vanga also foresaw:

This is all going to be tied in with artificial intelligence, and I feel that something major is going to be discovered straight away in 2024.
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Hamilton-Parker joked that he’s getting to an age where other medical advances could serve him personally:

Many advances in the medical field and care, advances in Alzheimer's as well, which would suit me well because I am getting there.

Only time will tell whether Hamilton-Parker is right to be so pessimistic about the next few months. All that’s left to do is hope for the best!

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Sources used:

UniLad: 'Prophet of Doom' psychic shares chilling predictions for 2024 Psychic dubbed ‘the Prophet of Doom’ makes chilling predictions for Australia in 2024

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