Zodiac: These are the worst traits of an Aquarius

Aquarius, these traits are what everyone dislikes about you
© When Harry Met Sally (2021) / Columbia Pictures
Aquarius, these traits are what everyone dislikes about you
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While you’re the innovative genius of the zodiac, there are a few unsavory things you need to watch out for you in yourself, Aquarius!

As the revolutionary humanitarian of the zodiac, Aquarians are always at the forefront of a movement, typically seen fighting for a better cause. Since you’re an air sign, you’re an intellectual, preferring cerebral pursuits to expand your already vast knowledge. However, there are two sides to every sign, and there are a few traits that can make you especially irritating at times!

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While there are many things to love about an Aquarius, there are also some things people least like about you. Here are some of them:

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Aquarius is a fixed sign, which means you’re often determined to do things your way. You pride yourself on being open-minded, but when you hear things that directly contradict your view, you refuse to budge. Sometimes, you dig your heels in, even with the gradual realization that other ideas may be just as good—or even better—than your own. If you’re not careful, this can make you difficult to work with.

Aquarius, these traits are what everyone dislikes about you Last Year at Marienbad (1961) / Toho-Towa
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One of the biggest misconceptions about Aquarians is that they don’t feel anything. Aquarius’ symbol is the water bearer, typically depicted as someone carrying a vase or jug with water spilling out. Aquarians tend to intellectualize their emotions, hiding them from everyone else. This can make you come off as detached or aloof. People in close relationships with you will have difficulty being emotionally vulnerable if they can’t see you doing the same!

Overly analytical

Aquarius love to break down pieces of information and scrutinize them, as you love thinking deeply about basically everything. However, that can also cause you to miss the big picture and focus on the little details that don’t matter. Though this tendency may not personally affect you, it can certainly damage your relationships, as zooming into everything else but the point may cause your friends or family to feel ignored.

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Too rebellious

One of the defining traits of an Aquarius is your instinct to go against the grain. Your innate uniqueness is too loud to ignore, after all! Still, when you are occasionally asked to do something, you tend to bristle, which can quickly snowball into straight-up obstinance. This trait makes it difficult to have tough conversations with you, especially when it’s for your own good.

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