Zodiac: The 3 most difficult moon signs

Zodiac: The 3 most difficult moon signs
© David Dibert
Zodiac: The 3 most difficult moon signs
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Moon signs are a reflection of your emotional and authentic self. Here are the ones that are somewhat difficult to deal with.

Moon signs influence how you feel about yourself and your relationships. The ideal place for the moon to be is in Cancer, confirms YourTango. As such, the moon in any other zodiac sign can be a bit challenging at times, especially if it’s a zodiac sign that is independent. Having a difficult moon sign may hamper your ability to make relationships, but knowing its shortcomings can also help you work on it.

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Capricorn Moon

Capricorn is opposite to Cancer, which makes Capricorn moon the worst possible placement ever. Yikes! Capricorn is a logical, pragmatic and career-oriented zodiac sign, nothing about this zodiac sign says love in any form. A Capricorn moon never embraces its emotions fully and would rather navigate its energy to something that’ll be a better investment. They may appear to be cold to their friends, family and even romantic partners as they rarely get emotional.

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Aries Moon

Aries is a fire sign that governs war, so this zodiac sign in the moon placement only leads to a massacre. Aries moon tries to keep things to themselves and ultimately ends up exploding at everyone. They are extremely impulsive about feelings and continue to go back and forth on their decisions. They don’t have tenderness or ease while telling their emotions and usually talk in a loud and disruptive tone while expressing emotions.

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Scorpio Moon

It may be the deepest zodiac sign, but Scorpio is also the darkest zodiac sign. Being ruled by Pluto, they have a tendency to run in extremes. Most of the time, this moon sign will not share their feelings and when they do, it’s in an aggressive way. They can also become obsessed, meaning – they are more likely to stay in toxic relationships and stalk their exes online or in person.

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