This Is Your Lucky Charm, According To Your Star Sign

This Is Your Lucky Charm, According To Your Star Sign
This Is Your Lucky Charm, According To Your Star Sign
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Are you a passionate Scorpio, a romantic Cancer or a pragmatic Taurus? Depending on your character, a flower or a jewel will bring you happiness and luck. Find out which one that suits you!

Aries: a sprig of lily of the valley.

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A symbol of cheerfulness and renewal. This little lucky charm is perfect for you!

Taurus: a four-leaf clover.

As a nature lover, you should choose this little plant as your lucky charm!

Gemini: numbers.

You are rather sensitive to them, so go with your date of birth or marriage. Your choice.

Cancer: a Maneki Neko.

The Japanese lucky cat suits your both sweet and childish character.

Lion: an amethyst.

You adore everything that shines, so what better lucky charm than a precious stone?

Virgo: a Lucky bamboo.

Lucky bamboo is your ideal lucky charm to instill a Zen spirit at home.

Libra: a ladybug.

This little Spring insect brings luck to any Libra that crosses its path.

Scorpio: A talisman or a tattoo.

You give a lot of importance to symbols. It can be an object, like a talisman, or a tattoo so you never lose it. The choice is yours!

Sagittarius: a horseshoe.

A nod to your sign. Hang it upside down.

Capricorn: a coin.

Pragmatic and concrete. This lucky charm suits you perfectly!

Aquarius: an Ankh.

As you are fascinated by other cultures, the Egyptian cross, which represents life, is for you!

Pisces: a sailor pom-pom.

It's been a symbol of protection since the 19th century. The lucky charm for this sign obviously has to be related to its element!

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Check out the video above for more on which lucky charm is for you...

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