These Are The Star Signs Ranked From Most To Least Intelligent

These Are The Star Signs Ranked From Most To Least Intelligent
These Are The Star Signs Ranked From Most To Least Intelligent
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In terms of intellect, not all signs are equal. Find out whether you are as smart as Sheldon Cooper or Homer Simpson...

1. Capricorn

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Their great lucidity, logic, and pragmatism make them the most intelligent sign!

2. Scorpio

They are very psychological and can trust their intuition in any situation. Their intelligence is emotional.

3. Gemini

Thanks to its curiosity in all areas, this native is one of the smartest signs.

4. Aquarius

This sign is quick-witted, thinks fast and is logical. It solves all problems in the snap of a finger!

5. Taurus

They need time but develop their intelligence on a daily basis and their memory is incredible!

6. Cancer

They are proof that creativity and intelligence can go hand in hand. They are discreet but would benefit from speaking up more.

7. Pisces

A good memory and a subtle intelligence. On the other hand, their emotivity can make them lose all logical sense. They must work on this.

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8. Sagittarius

They learn throughout life and are very involved in their studies.

9. Libra

They develop their intelligence through contact with others, spontaneously. After all, life is the best teacher!

10. Leo

They have the ability to adapt to all situations. Their intelligence is social, they learn in groups.

11. Virgo

They are fast learners but have to develop their critical sense and form their own opinions.

12. Aries

Their biggest problem is their lack of concentration. They shoot first and think later, but can always improve.

Check out the video above for more on your placing according to your sign!

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