These are the most indecisive zodiac signs

These are the most indecisive signs
© Love Actually (2003) / StudioCanal, Working Title Films, DNA Films
These are the most indecisive signs
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These zodiac signs would rather jump off a cliff than make a decision, it seems.

Some decisions are worth agonizing over: moving to a different country for a job, splurging on a well-deserved vacation, or picking up extra work to earn more money. However, some choices shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes to make simply because they aren’t that impactful, like what to eat for dinner. Still, making a snap decision can truly be excruciating for some zodiac signs—but they like to cover it up by saying they’re just talented at seeing the good side to everything!

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Don’t count on these signs to be particularly decisive, potentially even in life-or-death situations:


No one else could top this list thanLibra, the token people-pleaser of the zodiac. If you want to leave a Libra speechless, simply ask them what they want without giving any of your own input. Whenever they make decisions, they always base them on what everyone else prefers to do, says Jordan Bissell of Bustle. Take a shot any time your Libra friend says “Whatever you want” when it’s time to figure out your next plans and you’ll be blacked out in an hour.

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Few signs are flightier than Pisceans, who are always lost in the fantasy worlds they’ve created in their heads. As Bustle says, they tend to shapeshift according to their mood, which means they’re constantly changing their minds about something. When they realize the reality of a decision they’re about to make, they take a step back—anything to run away from real life, really!

These are the most indecisive zodiac signs Pulp Fiction (1994) / A Band Apart, Jersey Films
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Uber-analyticalVirgo scrutinizes every single possibility, which is why they take forever to decide on something. Count on them to whip out the pros and cons list to guide them through choosing just about anything, whether it’s what flavor of muffin to get or what house to pick, says Bustle. After all, they’re the trademark overthinkers of the zodiac!


Geminis represent the duality of anything, which means they instinctively weigh the benefits and drawbacks of all choices, big and small. They often struggle with their competing wants, notes Bustle, so it makes sense that they’re constantly pulled back and forth between each side.

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Source used

Bustle: These 4 Zodiac Signs Are The Most Likely To Be Indecisive"

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