These Are The Health Problems You Need To Look Out For - According To Your Star Sign
Based on your sign, you need to pay attention to different parts of your body. Find out which ones to pay attention to.
1. Aries:
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The head. You are subject to migraines. Do not take unnecessary risks, beware of cranial accidents.
2. Taurus:
The neck. The ENT system, the neck... protect this area with a scarf.
3. Gemini:
The respiratory tract. Avoid smoking and take weekend trips to the mountains to get a breath of fresh air.
4. Cancer:
The belly. You have a fragile stomach, make sure you have a healthy and varied diet.
5. Leo:
The heart. Have your blood pressure monitored to make sure you do not have cardiovascular problems.
6. Virgo:
The nervous system. You are rather anxious and tend to somatize which can cause sleep disorders or digestive disorders.
7. Libra:
The kidneys. Drink enough to avoid problems with the bladder or blood circulation.
8. Scorpio:
The genitals. Just like Virgo, you are anxious and repress a lot of things... It is not good for your lower abdomen and your intestines.
9. Sagittarius:
The liver. This organ is fragile. Consume alcohol occasionally and sparingly.
10. Capricorn:
The bones and teeth. Consider calcium intake to strengthen their structures.
11. Aquarius:
The circulatory system. Be careful not to suffer the effects of too much fatigue.
12. Fish:
The feet. Wear good shoes to avoid sprains, edema and other worries related to this area.
Check out the video above for more on how your sign can stay healthy!