These are the most common star signs amongst dictators

These are the most common star signs amongst dictators
© Lumen
These are the most common star signs amongst dictators
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There have been numerous dictators over the centuries, and they all seem to have one thing in common: their zodiac signs.

Saddam Hussein, Hitler and Mao Tse Toung… they were all born under the Taurus sign. Do you really need an explanation as to why this is one of the most common zodiac signs in the world among dictators?

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Tauruses at the top

This isn’t exactly surprising, because Tauruses are known for being possessive, aggressive and jealous… When you combine these traits with their strength and adaptability, it’s no wonder the result is some of the worst dictators in the world!

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Geminis come in second

Don’t trust Geminis! Even though they may seem calm and relaxed, behind their cool exterior, they are seething! Manipulative, nervous and opportunistic… this air sign is always ready to explode and destroy anything in its path in order to get what it wants.

Again, no surprise that Geminis are in second place among the most common signs for dictators: Mouammar Gaddafi and Laurent Gbagbo are just some of the names that still send a chill down people’s spines the second they are mentioned!

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Aquariuses in third place

Beware of the calm and collected Aquariuses! This air sign is a lot scarier than it seems. Hidden behind their introverted nature lies someone who is unpredictable, terrible and selfish… They’re not the type to give up. We know these people would do anything to be successful and wouldn’t let anyone stand in their way. Rather the contrary, in fact!

Kim Jong-il and Nicolas Ceausescu are well-known dictators who made everyone tremble the moment their names were uttered. An Aquarius’ character is very common among dictators all over the world.

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