Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 23 January has in store for you

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 23 January has in store for you
© Soulful Stock / UNSPLASH
Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 23 January has in store for you
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This is what the universe wants you to know this week, according to the tarot card we pulled for you.

We’re fresh from the beginning of Aquarius season and, with it, a new moon that calls more attention to the ways we authentically express ourselves. Coupled with Uranus finally ending its 5-month retrograde, things will now feel much more stable and balanced to set things in motion.

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Here’s what the universe wants you to know this week:

Aries – VIII of Cups

It’s okay to realize that though you’ve worked hard to get to where you are right now, you’re free to change your path once more. Perhaps you’ve become aware that you’ve grown as a person and want different things. It is also okay to grieve this.

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Taurus – Empress

You will see some significant movement in a particular area of your life. Whether you’re on the brink of thinking up a great idea, about to start an exciting new project, or maybe even joining a new business, there’s a lot of good fortune this week—especially if you’ve spent time nurturing these things.

Gemini – V of Wands

You may run into some conflict this week, though they aren’t an actual threat—they may just feel the need to show you that they aren’t pushovers. Navigate this situation with intention and try not to take things too personally—sometimes, it boils down to someone having a bad day.

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Cancer – Ace of Wands

You’re called to start something new, and this week is the most fertile time to nurture this desire. No dream is too big or small; take your visions seriously and see where they can take you when carefully planting the seeds you dream up. You may also be struck by inspiration in the next few days.

Leo – Knight of Pentacles Reversed

You’re channeling your efforts in the wrong direction, Leo. Though your goal is perfectly valid, you’re overexerting yourself for no reason. Think of what you’ve sacrificed to accomplish your vision and zoom out to look at the bigger picture. There may be more efficient, less self-sacrificing ways to get there.

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Virgo – IX of Cups

You’re proud of how you’ve kept it together recently, and with all the stressors you’ve been managing, it is an impressive feat. Though everyone strives for emotional stability, be careful not to take it for granted—it could all come tumbling down when you least expect it.

Tarot pulls for the zodiac signs: What the week of 23 January has in store for you Kayla Maurais / UNSPLASH
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Libra – IV of Wands

You’re in for some exciting celebrations this week. Now’s a fantastic time to gather your community and commemorate a special milestone. If you have no idea what this might be, someone just might surprise you with it.

Scorpio – III of Pentacles

Two heads are better than one, so this week is the most ideal time for a collaboration. When you ask for help and work on a project with a team, you’ll see faster, more productive progress that will definitely yield better results.

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Sagittarius – Hierophant

This is the second week in a row we’ve pulled this card for you, Sagittarius, so that must mean this is a lesson all of you need to internalize! You treasure your freedom, but doing things in the traditional way also has its value. Try it out, and your efforts may be more fruitful.

Capricorn – IX of Pentacles

You’re innately good with money, and you’re reaping the rewards this week. After crunching some numbers, you may discover that you can afford a big-ticket item that you’ve been saving up for on the side. Even if you haven’t hit that milestone yet, all the hard work you’ve put into managing your money properly will yield prosperous results.

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Aquarius – V of Pentacles

Your season has just begun, and it may not have started off on the right foot for some of you. There’s a lot you’re grieving right now—whether the loss of your old self, beliefs, or something more tangible—and it’s important to make space for these emotions. Still, recognize that there’s still a lot more room now in your life for bigger, more beautiful things.

Pisces – VII of Cups Reversed

You’re presented with several choices but beware of rushing into a decision, especially when faced with temptation. You’re likely not in a position at the moment to make a carefully-made verdict, so take your time and be skeptical of what’s being offered to you right now.

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