Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius: Your arguing style, based on your zodiac sign

Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius: This is how you argue, based on your zodiac sign
© Pulp Fiction (1994) / A Band Apart, Jersey Films
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius: This is how you argue, based on your zodiac sign
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Arguments are unavoidable, but how you deal with them will determine who walks away unhappy or if you can settle on a compromise.

Though we all dream of living a peaceful, conflict-free life, the unfortunate reality is that it will remain only that—a fantasy. In a world with people of extremely different backgrounds, opinions, and lifestyles, you’re bound to come into friction with someone else. Even the happiest, smoothest relationships find their way into bumpy roads sometimes!

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However, people approach arguments very differently, and learning how to navigate them will often determine the success of your relationship—or whoever emerges the winner of the debate, whichever matters to you more. Here’s how a Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius would argue:

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People-pleasing, conflict-avoidant Libra will do anything you can to scramble away from a heated argument. You want peace in every part of your life, making you naturally cooperative and diplomatic. Still, that doesn’t mean you’re a sitting duck when you witness something unfair—you’ll jump right in to try and set things straight. However, as the zodiac’s mediator, the good of the group is always your top priority over your feelings, observes BestLife. The goal is to find a compromise that makes everyone happy and to defuse tensions.

Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius: This is how you argue, based on your zodiac sign Lion (2016) / The Weinstein Company Screen Australia See-Saw Films Aquarius Films Sunstar Entertainment
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Scorpios aren’t afraid of a fight. You know how to stand up for yourself, making it easy for you to be brave, assert your values, and confront your adversaries, says BestLife. As a Martian sign, you’ve got the determination necessary to seek the truth, and your gift of knowing how to navigate people—or manipulation, as some people would call it—allow you to turn situations to your advantage. Though you don’t instigate fights, you won’t cower away from them, but you definitely choose them wisely, preferring to observe others before engaging yourself.


Intelligent, easygoing Sagittarius prefers to live life in pursuit of everything that makes one happy. However, you’re also the sign of wisdom, which means you hate it when you’re proven wrong, so you’ll go to great lengths to prove yourself. You won’t exactly start fights, but if the other person starts making thinly veiled digs at you, you’re not above rolling your sleeves and getting into a verbal spar with them. You’re also notoriously talkative, so you won’t stop until you’ve had the last word, notes BestLife. Luckily, there won’t be any shouting or punches thrown, as you’ll use facts and some of your natural charm to get your point across.

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Source used:

BestLife, “How You Argue Based on Your Zodiac Sign, According to Astrologers”

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