These 5 zodiac signs have the most trouble with commitment

These 5 zodiac signs have the most trouble with commitment
© Succession/HBO
These 5 zodiac signs have the most trouble with commitment
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Do you or does someone you know find it hard to commit to love? It could be due to their astrological sign! Discover the 5 signs that have the most trouble with commitment!

While some signs are sensitive and passionate, others are not as in tune with their emotions. Freedom, fickleness and independence are words that characterize them perfectly. Discover the signs that are simply not made for commitment.

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1. Aries

Aries are known for their independence, spontaneity and love of adventure. They tend to be impulsive and live for the moment. The idea of committing to a long-term relationship can frighten them, as they fear losing their freedom. Aries individuals need a lot of stimulation and excitement, which can make them reluctant to become deeply attached to someone.

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You might be ready to get married, but fidelity is a problem for you. Your other half has good reason to fear your impulsive side since you don't hesitate to give in to your every desire. So commitment is not exactly for you.

2. Gemini

Geminis are social butterflies, always on the lookout for new experiences and new relationships. They are extremely curious and tend to get bored easily. This emotional instability can make them reluctant to make serious commitments. They fear boredom and the monotony that can come with a long-term relationship.

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You're a sign defined by lightness, you like to flutter about according to your moods. In other words, commitment isn't for you. Even if the other person arouses your curiosity and your eyes sparkle as you observe them, your indecision can be very frustrating.

3. Libra

Libras are known for their desire for peace, harmony and balance in their relationships. However, this relentless quest forharmony can make them reluctant to commit. Libras tend to weigh the pros and cons meticulously before making a decision. Their fear of ending up in an unbalanced or conflicting relationship sometimes leads them to avoid serious commitments, as they dread making the wrong choice.

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Your goal is to find your balance. But even if deep down you're looking for your soul mate, that doesn't mean you're ready to commit to a relationship. At first charming and delicate, your indecision soon gets the better of you and makes you jump ship...

4. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are the adventurers of the zodiac. They crave freedom, travel and exploration. Sagittarians find it hard to commit because they're afraidit will limit their opportunities to discover the world. They often have trouble settling down and conforming to the expectations of a stable relationship.

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You live through your experiences. Travelling is important to you, so settling down with someone makes you tense, you don't want to feel chained down!

5. Aquarius

Aquarians are free spirits who march to the beat of their own drum. They are resistant to the idea of conforming to society's traditional norms, including those governing relationships. Aquarians find it hard to commit because they are often perceived as non-conformists and are afraid of losing their individuality in a relationship.

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You're not the conventional type. Love, for you, is a state of mind, your emotions are buried deep and you don't let them show. In short, your need for independence and freedom comes first.

It's important to remember that astrology offers a general view of the tendencies and preferences of each sign, but it doesn't dictate our destiny when it comes to love. Individuals are unique, and even the most commitment-averse star signs can find ways to build happy, fulfilling relationships. Open communication, self-understanding and working through commitment fears are essential to overcoming these potential obstacles in romantic relationships.

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This article has been translated from Oh!Mymag FR

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