This Deleted Friends Scene Changes Everything We Thought About Ross

This Deleted Friends Scene Changes Everything We Thought About Ross
This Deleted Friends Scene Changes Everything We Thought About Ross
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Most Friends fans love to hate Ross Geller, but one deleted scene sheds new light on Ross as a father. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all!

Some people love Ross, but some Friends fans categorize him as an awful father, a sexist, and downright rude, whereas others find his quirks and mannerisms hilarious, and his love for Rachel adorable. And there’s one deleted scene that may give Ross the edge in this never-ending debate!

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Throughout Friends, many fans questioned whether Ross was a good father or not and for good reason! Why? After season eight we never saw Ben again! In season one, Ross was super excited about becoming a dad, but the thrill seemed to fade shortly thereafter. Perhaps it was tough for Ross to see his son with the former love of his life and Susan.

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But there’s one deleted scene that shows that maybe Ross did love Ben after all. Want to know which scene we are talking about? Tune into our video above—maybe it will change how you feel about Ross a little, too.

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