What Is The Royal Wedding Scandal All About?

What Is The Royal Wedding Scandal All About?
What Is The Royal Wedding Scandal All About?
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On 19th May 2018, one of the biggest media events of the year will take place, as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle get married. While hundreds of thousands of people are expected in Windsor to attend the event, the royal marriage has already sparked controversy.

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The marriage of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is expected to cost around £500 million which will be taken from the pockets of the British taxpayer. For the event to be held next spring, the government seems to be eager to improve the image of the city at any cost; even if it involves removing hundreds of homeless people from the area.

Windsor's Conservative Council leader, Simon Dudley, has called on Thames Valley Police to do more, in a letter expressing the 'growing concern about the amount of litter and rubbish that beggars and the homeless accumulate on the streets of the town'. This letter concerns numerous homeless people living on the streets of Windsor, a town of around 30,000 residents. Simon Dudley does not appreciate 'the aggressive begging' of those who have 'made the choice' to live outdoors. According to him, 'this situation makes a beautiful city appear in an unfavourable light', especially as 'the level of tourism in the town will increase as the royal wedding approaches in May.

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Dudley's statements have prompted widespread uproar, across the country. Murphy James, head of a local homeless charity and supported by Prince William and Prince Harry said 'I'm sure they're outraged by these comments, as am I and many people who live in Windsor'. We've always had around 12-15 people sleeping on the street, it's a permanent problem', Murphy added. According to Murphy, the homes that homeless people are offered, 'were regularly rat infested'. In no way are Meghan Markle and Prince Harry responsible for this controversy. However, it does not provide a good image for their future marriage.

As a result from all this, famous celebrity, Russell Brand started a petition in hopes that the charity Slough Homeless Our Concern would rehouse those individuals. He stated 'As a wedding present for Harry and Meghan, and as a rebuke to the low frequency conduct of Councillor Dudley and any who would further victimise the vulnerable, we are asking that Slough Council agree to a "change of use" for a building in the town that will enable SHOC to have new home'.

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