This is why the Queen just rebuffed Prince Charles

This is why the Queen just rebuffed Prince Charles
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This is why the Queen just rebuffed Prince Charles
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The family feud between the royal family and the Sussex couple is still raging. The Queen has not hesitated to put Prince Charles, in his place too.

Since Meghan Markle and Prince Harry decided to renounce their rights within the royal family, relations have been tense. A particularly complex situation for Queen Elizabeth II, who is calling for appeasement.

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Queen Elizabeth furious with Prince Charles

It's true that the couple from Sussex are not getting along very well. Things got totally out of hand when they did that explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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In the face of these harsh revelations, the Cambridge couple, William and Kate, managed to keep a straight face before the British people, unlike Prince Charles.

Although the Queen has decided to retire to Windstor Castle, she sees that the situation is getting out of hand and that the future regent, her son Prince Charles, is making the situation worse.

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According to the Express, which has sources close to the crown, the 95-year-old sovereign is fed up with her son's attitude. The newspaper says that she cannot stand the fact that he 'puts his pride before the monarchy.'

According to another source in US weekly:

Charles may never forgive Harry, and that doesn't sit well with Elizabeth. She feels he is putting his pride before the interests of the royal family.
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She prefers the 'dignified approach' of her grandson William, who has nevertheless seen 'his name dragged through the mud' by his brother.

It is not yet time for reconciliation.

Prince Charles soon to be King of England?

A few weeks ago, the tabloid The Mirror announced that Queen Elizabeth II was 'preparing for a future without Prince Philip' and 'will step back from her royal duties.' This decision immediately made Prince Charles the new, partial regent of the country.

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When the latter announced the total ousting of the Sussex couple from the royal family line, the Queen had to take back the reins. That is why she put her foot down, as explained earlier.

In any case, Queen Elizabeth II 'will never, ever abdicate the throne' which may prevent Prince Charles from making all the decisions he wishes.

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Will Harry and Meghan Markle be protected from Prince Charles' clutches by the sovereign? Nothing is certain yet. In any case, relations are still very tense between the members of the royal family.

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