This Is The Huge Role That Princess Diana Is Playing In Her Grandchildren's Lives

This Is The Huge Role That Princess Diana Is Playing In Her Grandchildren's Lives
This Is The Huge Role That Princess Diana Is Playing In Her Grandchildren's Lives
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Although she tragically never got to meet her grandchildren, Princess Diana is still having a hugely influential role in George, Charlotte and Louis' upbringing.

‘Like mother, like son.’ This saying really is true in the way that Prince William is bringing up his three children today. William and Kate Middleton are going to great lengths to make sure that George, Charlotte and little Louis grow up in the best environment possible.

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The life of a young royal can’t always be fabulous. There is always the risk of their childhood being too formal, and they can sometimes feel out of sync with the rest of the world and society. Therefore, William wants his children to be raised in the simplest way possible which is exactly what Lady Di wanted for him and his brother Harry.

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‘Princess Diana wanted her children to feel comfortable and involved in any situation. She was the first member of the Royal Family to do this,’ explains Ingrid Seward, editor of Majesty Magazine.

‘She was very informal and really enjoyed laughter and fun. But she understood that there was real life outside of the Palace walls,’ added Prince William.

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This is why William makes a point of holding George and Charlotte’s hands when they’re out and gets down on their level to speak to them and explain what is going on. These may seem small and subtle gestures, but they make the world of difference.

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