This Is The Adorable Nickname Prince George's Friends Have Given Him

This Is The Adorable Nickname Prince George's Friends Have Given Him
This Is The Adorable Nickname Prince George's Friends Have Given Him
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According to the magazine Vanity Fair, Prince George has been given a nickname by his school friends. We’re here to reveal it to you.

In September 2017, Prince George attended classes for the first time at the St Thomas’s school in Battersea. Since then, it seems that the son of Prince William and Kate Middleton – now 5 years old – has adapted perfectly. And for good reason, as he has even inherited a nickname from his classmates.

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According to the American edition of the magazine Vanity Fair, the little boy has been nicknamed “PG”, standing for Prince George. The site also reports that he fits in very well, with a parent revealing: “He’s very popular and has lots of friends, and there’s very little fuss made about who he is.”

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And it is not only Prince George who gets on with the other children - as a fellow parent revealed William and Kate do pick-ups and drop-offs themselves and get on well with everyone.

"Either William or Kate do drop off, and they are always very friendly. William particularly loves to have a chat with some of the other parents and he works out with some of the mums at the Harbour Club after drop off. He’s very chatty and amiable."

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Soon, Princess Charlotte will have her first day at the same school as her brother.

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