Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip allegedly believed in Bigfoot

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip allegedly believed in Bigfoot
© Tim Graham / Getty Images
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip allegedly believed in Bigfoot
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According to British actor Brian Blessed, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip both firmly believed in the existence of this mysterious snow beast.

In an interview with The Daily Star, British actor Brian Blessed, 85, reveals the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip met with a man who claimed to have been kidnapped by a family of Bigfoots.

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Albert Ostman's story

According to The New York Times, in 1924, Albert Ostman was on a camping trip in Toba Inlet, a deep fjord on the west coast of British Columbia. For three nights in a row, Ostman was disturbed by nocturnal visitors, who rummaged through his things and stole his food.

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On the fourth night, Ostman tried to stay awake to scare the intruders away. However, sleep overcame him.

He was later awoken by the feeling of being lifted and carried in his sleeping bag. Ostman described the feeling as 'being tossed on horseback', but he knew that whatever was taking him was walking upright.

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After being dumped on the ground, Ostman emerged from his sleeping bag. What he saw, he would never forget. That's to say, four immense, hairy, apelike creatures.

Ostman remained their captive for a week before managing to escape. Ostman kept the encounter to himself until 1957, when other reports of similar sightings were reported.

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A firm believer in the existence of Yetis

Although the late Queen Elizabeth exuded level-headedness, it has come to light that Her Majesty and Prince Philip believed in the existence of Bigfoot and met with a man who a family of Yetis kidnapped.

The Flash Gordon actor told The Daily Star that he had worked with Prince Philip on his Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme, and they discussed a mutual belief in the Sasquatch. The actor discloses that the Duke of Edinburgh shared his belief that Yetis live worldwide.

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In his interview, the actor also reveals that the late Queen wanted to meet with Ostman, the lumberman who claimed to have been kidnapped by a family of Bigfoot. The meeting supposedly happened on a trip to Vancouver, Canada, where Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Philip spent an afternoon with Ostman.

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According to Brian Blessed:

He told the Queen the whole story, and she believed him implicitly.

The actor told the publication that Ostman's story was the 'most brilliant account' he had ever heard. Blessed affirms that he has encountered 9 Yetis while on an expedition in Mongolia. He told The Daily Star:

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I climbed several of the mountains, and there they were. Seven, eight, nine of them all covered in fur. I saw them at a distance.

Sources used:

- The New York Times: 'It's hard to prove that something, even a monster, doesn't exist'

- The Daily Star: 'Queen and Prince Philip 'were Bigfoot believers' and met man 'kidnapped by Yetis''

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