Princess Charlotte's Favourite Food Might Surprise You

Princess Charlotte's Favourite Food Might Surprise You
Princess Charlotte's Favourite Food Might Surprise You
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You'll be surprised by the food Princess Charlotte most loves to eat!

While the Duchess of Cambridge was visiting a North London primary school in early February, she made some revelations about her 3-year-old daughter Princess Charlotte's eating habits. Whilst we already knew the school dinners the royal children are served are nothing like ours were, we still wouldn't have expected this surprising snack to be Charlotte's favourite.

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The Duchess places a lot of importance on a healthy diet, which is essential for a good physical condition. As such, while she was discussing the dangers of sugar with the students, she confessed that the little princess loved to eat, not chocolate, but olives! We did not expect that...

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Of course, like all children, one of her other favourite meals is pasta with cheese. Kate Middleton also said that she enjoyed cooking with her two eldest children, who love making cookies and salads with her. In the end, the royal family isn't that different from other families!

Check out the video above for more on the pint-sized Princess!

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