Princess Anne will make history after taking military title from Prince Harry

Princess Anne: The Princess Royal will make history with this new military title
© Pool/Tim Graham Royal Photos/Getty
Princess Anne: The Princess Royal will make history with this new military title
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Since Prince Harry and Prince Andrew were stripped of their honorary military titles, many haven’t found replacements yet. Princess Anne could make history.

The Royal Family have seen many changes in the last few years. Indeed since Prince Andrew and Prince Harry were stripped of their honorary military titles, many have not yet been filled by the remaining members of the firm. Princess Anne is set to receive one of Prince Harry’s old titles. If she does, she will make history.

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Princess Anne could make history

One of the titles that Prince Harry was forced to give up when stepping down as Senior Royal and moving to the US was his honorary title of Admiral in the Royal Navy. Until recently, the Duke of Sussex hasn’t been replaced.

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Princess Anne: The Princess Royal will make history with this new military title Chris Jackson/Getty

It is said that Princess Anne is set to replace her nephew. The official announcement will not be made until August this year (2022) after the official endorsement by the monarch.

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Buckingham Palace has more honorary military titles to hand out, including the Princess Royal heading the marines and potentially another two military titles.

If Princess Anne receives the honorary title Admiral in the Royal Navy, she would be the first woman in history to head the Royal Marines.

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Princess Anne has many military titles already

Princess Anne, 70, is already head of 10 regiments, including Colonel in Chief of the King's Royal Hussars, the Royal Scots, The Gurkhas and the Royal Army Veterinary Corps.

If Princess Anne were to receive the Admiral in the Royal Navy title, she would be expected to visit new recruits in training as well as attend events and join commandos in the field.

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Princess Anne as Colonel-in-hief, presenting Afghanistan Operational Service Medals to Royal Logistics Corps Troops on 2013 Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty

Regiments including the marines, Grenadier Guards, Irish Rangers and Yorkshire regiment are yet to have replacements as they once belonged to either Prince Andrew or Prince Harry.

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