Prince Harry's 'frosty welcome' during family reunion

Prince Harry's 'frosty welcome' during family reunion
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Prince Harry's 'frosty welcome' during family reunion
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Tongues are ablur after the royal funeral last Saturday. The Daily Mail reported on the 'frosty reception' given to Prince Harry by the royal family.

Tensions are still very high within the royal family. For months now, the Sussex couple has been seen as the ugly duckling. What with Megxit and the interview given to Oprah Winfrey that caused media havoc, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now seen as outsiders.

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Strife is still very much present

So even though the entire royal family put on a brave face at Prince Philip's funeral last Saturday, nobody is fooled. Indeed, after the ceremony, Princes William and Harry spent a long time talking to their father Prince Charles, certainly in an attempt to ease these tensions.

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Also, the Daily Mail revealed the day after the funeral ceremony that Prince Harry's return to England was drenched in a decidedly inhospitable atmosphere. The newspaper writes that Meghan Markle's husband received 'a chilly reception' from many of his relatives.

Namely Princess Anne, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie. All three of them reportedly did not even utter a word to him before the ceremony. As for Harry's brother, Prince William, he is said to have been behind the refusal to stand next to his brother during the funeral procession, despite the official position being that it was the Queen's decision.

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A Daily Mail source confirms:

Very few people are on his side since the Oprah interview (...) They all think that he behaved really badly with her.

In the video above, find out what disrupted Prince Philip's funeral ceremony.

Prince Harry faces a difficult choice

In addition to the tensions within his own family, Prince Harry will have to make a difficult family choice. Indeed, the Queen of England is preparing to celebrate her 95th birthday on Wednesday 21 April, which will be the first birthday without Prince Philip at her side. However, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are also preparing to welcome their second child and this happy event could happen at the same time as the Queen's birthday.

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The options remain in the air for now. Stay tuned.

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