Prince Harry: Psychic predicts the future of his marriage, and it may not end well

Prince Harry: Fortune teller predicts the future of his marriage, and it may not end well
© Chris Jackson
Prince Harry: Fortune teller predicts the future of his marriage, and it may not end well
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After Nostradamus and his wild predictions, a psychic has predicted how things will go down for the royal family in the future.

John Hughes – a Birmingham psychic – who runs his own company We Are Namaste has made wild claims about the future of the Royal Family. His grandmother was clairvoyant and he believes he got his gift from her and talks to dead people.

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King Charles will call it quits

According to John, King Charles III is struggling and questioning his ability to carry forward the crown. Speaking to Birmingham Live, he predicted:

He is modern enough to become a modern King.
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But he added:

I think he’s struggling. King Charles is worried about the future, one million per cent it’s going through his mind whether he can do the job.
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Predicting abdication on the cards for King Charles, he said:

Within seven years, I think Charles will realise that he wants to abdicate. For the simple reason that he doesn’t want to waste millions of pounds on a state funeral again.
William will take over the role within the next seven years. I know the Queen couldn’t abdicate because she couldn’t walk away from all the trauma, she went through a lot with Prince Andrew and Princess Diana.
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I know that Charles will not be able to fulfil his mother’s boots. It’s too much of a big job so he will restructure the Royal Family and put a young King in.

The fortune teller lit incense and played music while looking at the picture of King Charles and made these predictions.

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Prince Harry parts way

Apart from predicting a possible abdication, which Nostradamus predicted as well, he has wild theories about Prince Harry will leave Meghan and come back home. He said:

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I see Meghan and Harry splitting up within the next two years, I see something going on there.
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I see Harry coming back to the fold. When that happens, Charles will reselect his position within the Royal Family.

Source Used

Birmingham Live: King Charles will abdicate according to Birmingham psychic who predicts trouble for Harry and Meghan

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