Meghan Markle’s bombshell reveal: ‘By existing, we were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy’

Meghan Markle’s bombshell reveal: ‘by existing, we were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy’
© Max Mumby/Indigo / Getty Images
Meghan Markle’s bombshell reveal: ‘by existing, we were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy’
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Meghan Markle has given her first interview of 2022, in which she lays bare her experiences as a senior Royal Family member and life afterwards.

Meghan Markle has laid bare her experiences as a member of ‘The Firm’ in her first interview of 2022.

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The issue

Meghan Markle admitted to The Cutthat the media frenzy didn’t sit well with her.

After their engagement, Meghan explained she had to give up herInstagramaccount and her blog The Tig. She lost control of her own narrative.

She said:

It was a big adjustment — a huge adjustment to go from that kind of autonomy to a different life.
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The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with baby Archie Pool/Max Mumby / Getty Images

Meghan believes that being an American is at the root of the problem. She admits she tried to fit in, stating that she 'was an actress' and that involved people telling her what to do, how and when.

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The solution

Meghan also disclosed in her interview that the couple tried to find an alternative, to remain working Royal Family members but be more independent. Meghan explained that they wanted to continue representing the Queen but no longer be dependant on taxpayer funds. Meghan hoped this would calm the 'abusive press coverage.'

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Meghan admits that the couple wanted to leave the U.K. because 'by existing, we were upsetting the dynamic of the hierarchy.'

According to the Duchess of Sussex, other Royal Family members function this way, and that they weren’t ‘reinventing the wheel.’

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However, this option was rejected andthe couple decided to step back from their royal duties.

The aftermath

Meghan concludes her interview talking about forgiveness.

She says :

I think forgiveness is really important. [...] But it takes a lot of effort to forgive.

However, it would seem that the tabloids and public are less willing to forgive the Duchess.

The Sunreports that TV host, Piers Morgan called Meghan ‘shameless and shameful’ in the aftermath of the interview.

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Richard Palmer, royal reporter for The Daily Express, calls Meghan a ‘fantasist’ and believes that she and Prince Harry ‘have learnt no lessons.’

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The Daily Mailreports that an American publication called Meghan a 'petulant princess' while an italian publication called her 'a real diva'. A word the Duchess is planning to discuss in her new podcast Achetypes.

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