'Meghan Markle Is Nervous About Having To Learn Everything': Revelations From The Duchess of Sussex' Staff

'Meghan Markle Is Nervous About Having To Learn Everything': Revelations From The Duchess of Sussex' Staff
'Meghan Markle Is Nervous About Having To Learn Everything': Revelations From The Duchess of Sussex' Staff
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When you're not from the same world, it's not easy to have to learn to blend in with the Royal Family. While some describe her as difficult to live with, Meghan Markle's closest associates are now coming forward their own story, which paints a completely different picture of the young woman.

Described by the press for several weeks as a young woman with a strong personality who would not hesitate to be "capricious" and "authoritarian" with her entourage, Meghan Markle obviously struggles to find a spot in the British monarchy.

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Regularly criticized for her attitude, which is deemed haughty and difficult to control by her detractors, the Duchess of Sussex is however clearly esteemed by her staff, who has not hesitated to run to her rescue in columns of the US version of Elle magazine.

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"Nervous about having to learn everything"

In this article about Prince Harry's wife, Meghan Markle's closest associates paint a portrait of the future mother that negates the criticism that is regularly made of her. "Meghan is nervous about having to learn everything about the protocol and takes her new duties very seriously. She learns quickly and is attentive to the remarks of those who guide her and help her adapt to her new life as a member of the royal family," reports an internal source at Kensington Palace.

Nevertheless, the people who work with her daily readily recognize that Meghan Markle is sometimes very eager, which somewhat upsets the quiet habits of the British crown. A woman who loves for things to move quickly, the former American actress, who is teeming with ideas, sometimes tends to get a little impatient when certain projects drag on. But this is only a proof of her strong will to do well, repeats her staff, who obviously has nothing but praise to address to her.

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Check out the video above to see exactly what Meghan's staff have to say about her!

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